In-Game Description
A small shield affixed with a yellow quartz.
This shield was found in the Iron Keep.
Breaks easily due to corrosion,
but is light and still very stable.
In the Old Iron King's great iron keep
was a vast collection of weapons, erected
as a display of strength to the world.
But they were lost when the king's conceit
doomed the castle to sink into a lake of fire.
- Sold by Chancellor Wellager for 8,000 souls after defeating the Looking Glass Knight.
- Part of the preorder bonus, received after character creation. Cannot be sold or thrown away.
General Information
Image | Damage | Aux Effects | Counter Strength |
Poise Damage |
Stats Needed Stat Bonuses |
Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Stability | Durability | Weight |
![]() |
95/0/0/0/0 (Parry/Strike) |
0/0 | 110 | 15 | 12/0/0/0 D/-/-/-/-/- |
80/35/40/40/25 | 30/30/30/30 | 55 | 60 | 3 |
- A Hollow Soldier Shield encrusted with hard yellow quartz. All non-physical resistances and status defenses are much better, and carries 20 more base stability, allowing it to block attacks much more effectively.
- Interestingly, it has 150% of the durability of the Hollow Soldier Shield at 60 compared to the former's mere 40, despite claiming to be more brittle.
- Paired with the Yellow Quartz Longsword.
Standard upgrade path.
Requires Titanite.
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction | Aux Effects Reduction |
Stability | Materials Cost | Souls Cost |
Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 95/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 80/35/40/40/25 | 30/30/30/30 | 55 | - | - |
Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 104/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 80.5/36.3/41.5/41.5/26.8 | 31.7/31.7/31.7/31.7 | 55 | 1x Titanite Shard | 370 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 114/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 81/38.2/43/43/28.7 | 33.5/33.5/33.5/33.5 | 56 | 2x Titanite Shard | 460 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 123/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 81.5/39.8/44.5/44.5/30.3 | 35.2/35.2/35.2/35.2 | 57 | 3x Titanite Shard | 550 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 133/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 82/41.5/46/46/32.5 | 37/37/37/37 | 58 | 1x Large Titanite Shard | 730 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 142/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 82.5/43.1/47.5/47.5/34.3 | 38.7/38.7/38.7/38.7 | 59 | 2x Large Titanite Shard | 820 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 152/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 83/44.7/49/49/36.2 | 40.5/40.5/40.5/40.5 | 59 | 3x Large Titanite Shard | 910 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 161/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 83.5/46.3/50.5/50.5/38.1 | 42.2/42.2/42.2/42.2 | 60 | 1x Titanite Chunk | 1,090 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 171/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 84/48/52/52/40 | 44/44/44/44 | 61 | 2x Titanite Chunk | 1,180 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 180/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 84.5/49.6/53.5/53.5/41.8 | 45.7/45.7/45.7/45.7 | 62 | 3x Titanite Chunk | 1,270 |
Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 190/0/0/0/0 | 0/0 | C/-/-/-/-/- | 85/51.2/55/55/43.7 | 47.5/47.5/47.5/47.5 | 63 | 1x Titanite Slab | 1,450 |
Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base magic damage, INT stat bonus, magic damage reduction.
- Faintstone
- 2,000 souls
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 59/73/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/C/-/-/- | 77.7/53.3/37.7/37.7/22.7 | 27.7/27.7/27.7/27.7 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 65/80/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/C/-/-/- | 78.2/54.5/39.2/39.2/24.6 | 29.5/29.5/29.5/29.5 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 71/87/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/C/-/-/- | 78.8/55.6/40.8/40.8/26.5 | 31.3/31.3/31.3/31.3 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 77/95/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 79.3/56.8/42.3/42.3/28.5 | 33.1/33.1/33.1/33.1 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 83/102/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 79.9/58/43.9/43.9/30.4 | 34.9/34.9/34.9/34.9 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 89/109/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 80.4/59.1/45.4/45.4/32.3 | 36.7/36.7/36.7/36.7 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 95/117/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 81/60.3/47/47/34.3 | 38.5/38.5/38.5/38.5 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 101/124/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 81.6/61.5/48.6/48.6/36.2 | 40.3/40.3/40.3/40.3 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 107/131/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 82.1/62.6/50.1/50.1/38.1 | 42.1/42.1/42.1/42.1 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 113/138/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 82.7/63.8/51.7/51.7/40 | 43.9/43.9/43.9/43.9 |
Magic Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 119/146/0/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/B/-/-/- | 83.2/65/53.2/53.2/42 | 45.7/45.7/45.7/45.7 |
Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base fire damage, INT and FTH stat bonus, fire damage reduction.
- Firedrake Stone
- 2,000 souls
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 59/0/73/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/C/-/- | 77.7/32.7/58.3/37.7/22.7 | 27.7/27.7/27.7/27.7 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 65/0/80/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/C/-/- | 78.2/34.3/59.3/39.2/24.6 | 29.5/29.5/29.5/29.5 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 71/0/87/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/C/-/- | 78.8/36/60.4/40.8/26.5 | 31.3/31.3/31.3/31.3 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 77/0/95/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 79.3/37.7/61.4/42.3/28.5 | 33.1/33.1/33.1/33.1 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 83/0/102/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 79.9/39.4/62.5/43.9/30.4 | 34.9/34.9/34.9/34.9 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 89/0/109/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 80.4/41.1/63.5/45.4/32.3 | 36.7/36.7/36.7/36.7 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 95/0/117/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 81/42.8/64.5/47/34.3 | 38.5/38.5/38.5/38.5 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 101/0/124/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 81.6/44.4/65.6/48.6/36.2 | 40.3/40.3/40.3/40.3 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 107/0/131/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 82.1/46.1/66.6/50.1/38.1 | 42.1/42.1/42.1/42.1 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 113/0/138/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 82.7/47.8/67.7/51.7/40 | 43.9/43.9/43.9/43.9 |
Fire Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 119/0/146/0/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/B/-/- | 83.2/49.5/68.7/53.2/42 | 45.7/45.7/45.7/45.7 |
Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base lightning damage, FTH stat bonus, lightning damage reduction.
- Boltstone
- 2,000 souls
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 59/0/0/73/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/C/- | 77.7/32.7/37.7/58.3/22.7 | 27.7/27.7/27.7/27.7 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 65/0/0/80/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/C/- | 78.2/34.3/39.2/59.3/24.6 | 29.5/29.5/29.5/29.5 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 71/0/0/87/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/C/- | 78.8/36/40.8/60.4/26.5 | 31.3/31.3/31.3/31.3 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 77/0/0/95/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 79.3/37.7/42.3/61.4/28.5 | 33.1/33.1/33.1/33.1 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 83/0/0/102/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 79.9/39.4/43.9/62.5/30.4 | 34.9/34.9/34.9/34.9 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 89/0/0/109/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 80.4/41.1/45.4/63.5/32.3 | 36.7/36.7/36.7/36.7 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 95/0/0/117/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 81/42.8/47/64.5/34.3 | 38.5/38.5/38.5/38.5 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 101/0/0/124/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 81.6/44.4/48.6/65.6/36.2 | 40.3/40.3/40.3/40.3 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 107/0/0/131/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 82.1/46.1/50.1/66.6/38.1 | 42.1/42.1/42.1/42.1 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 113/0/0/138/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 82.7/47.8/51.7/67.7/40 | 43.9/43.9/43.9/43.9 |
Lightning Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 119/0/0/146/0 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/B/- | 83.2/49.5/53.2/68.7/42 | 45.7/45.7/45.7/45.7 |
Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base dark damage, INT and FTH stat bonus, dark damage reduction.
- Darknight Stone
- 2,000 souls
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 59/0/0/0/73 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/C | 77.7/32.7/37.7/37.7/43.3 | 27.7/27.7/27.7/27.7 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 65/0/0/0/80 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/C | 78.2/34.3/39.2/39.2/44.7 | 29.5/29.5/29.5/29.5 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 71/0/0/0/87 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/C | 78.8/36/40.8/40.8/46.1 | 31.3/31.3/31.3/31.3 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 77/0/0/0/95 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 79.3/37.7/42.3/42.3/47.5 | 33.1/33.1/33.1/33.1 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 83/0/0/0/102 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 79.9/39.4/43.9/43.9/49 | 34.9/34.9/34.9/34.9 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 89/0/0/0/109 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 80.4/41.1/45.4/45.4/50.4 | 36.7/36.7/36.7/36.7 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 95/0/0/0/117 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 81/42.8/47/47/51.8 | 38.5/38.5/38.5/38.5 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 101/0/0/0/124 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 81.6/44.4/48.6/48.6/53.2 | 40.3/40.3/40.3/40.3 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 107/0/0/0/131 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 82.1/46.1/50.1/50.1/54.6 | 42.1/42.1/42.1/42.1 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 113/0/0/0/138 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 82.7/47.8/51.7/51.7/56 | 43.9/43.9/43.9/43.9 |
Dark Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 119/0/0/0/146 | 0/0 | D/-/-/-/-/B | 83.2/49.5/53.2/53.2/57.5 | 45.7/45.7/45.7/45.7 |
Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base poison damage, poison damage reduction.
- Poison Stone
- 2,000 souls
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 59/0/0/0/0 | 14/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 77.7/32.7/37.7/37.7/22.7 | 48.3/27.7/27.7/27.7 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 65/0/0/0/0 | 16/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 78.2/34.3/39.2/39.2/24.6 | 49.6/29.5/29.5/29.5 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 71/0/0/0/0 | 17/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 78.8/36/40.8/40.8/26.5 | 50.9/31.3/31.3/31.3 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 77/0/0/0/0 | 19/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 79.3/37.7/42.3/42.3/28.5 | 52.2/33.1/33.1/33.1 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 83/0/0/0/0 | 20/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 79.9/39.4/43.9/43.9/30.4 | 53.5/34.9/34.9/34.9 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 89/0/0/0/0 | 21/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 80.4/41.1/45.4/45.4/32.3 | 54.7/36.7/36.7/36.7 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 95/0/0/0/0 | 23/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 81/42.8/47/47/34.3 | 56/38.5/38.5/38.5 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 101/0/0/0/0 | 24/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 81.6/44.4/48.6/48.6/36.2 | 37.3/40.3/40.3/40.3 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 107/0/0/0/0 | 26/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 82.1/46.1/50.1/50.1/38.1 | 58.6/42.1/42.1/42.1 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 113/0/0/0/0 | 27/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 82.7/47.8/51.7/51.7/40 | 59.9/43.9/43.9/43.9 |
Poison Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 119/0/0/0/0 | 29/0 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 83.2/49.5/53.2/53.2/42 | 61.2/45.7/45.7/45.7 |
Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base bleed damage, bleed damage reduction.
- Bleed Stone
- 2,000 souls
Name | Damage | Aux Effects | Stat Bonuses | Damage Reduction |
Aux Effects Reduction |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +0 | 59/0/0/0/0 | 0/14 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 77.7/32.7/37.7/37.7/22.7 | 27.7/48.3/27.7/27.7 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +1 | 65/0/0/0/0 | 0/16 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 78.2/34.3/39.2/39.2/24.6 | 29.5/49.6/29.5/29.5 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +2 | 71/0/0/0/0 | 0/17 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 78.8/36/40.8/40.8/26.5 | 31.3/50.9/31.3/31.3 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +3 | 77/0/0/0/0 | 0/19 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 79.3/37.7/42.3/42.3/28.5 | 33.1/52.2/33.1/33.1 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +4 | 83/0/0/0/0 | 0/20 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 79.9/39.4/43.9/43.9/30.4 | 34.9/53.5/34.9/34.9 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +5 | 89/0/0/0/0 | 0/21 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 80.4/41.1/45.4/45.4/32.3 | 36.7/54.7/36.7/36.7 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +6 | 95/0/0/0/0 | 0/23 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 81/42.8/47/47/34.3 | 38.5/56/38.5/38.5 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +7 | 101/0/0/0/0 | 0/24 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 81.6/44.4/48.6/48.6/36.2 | 40.3/37.3/40.3/40.3 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +8 | 107/0/0/0/0 | 0/26 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 82.1/46.1/50.1/50.1/38.1 | 42.1/58.6/42.1/42.1 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +9 | 113/0/0/0/0 | 0/27 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 82.7/47.8/51.7/51.7/40 | 43.9/59.9/43.9/43.9 |
Bleed Yellow Quartz Shield +10 | 119/0/0/0/0 | 0/29 | D/-/-/-/-/- | 83.2/49.5/53.2/53.2/42 | 45.7/61.2/45.7/45.7 |
Damage: |
The Damage stat dictates how much damage the shield does when used for bashing. The Damage stats for a shield are A / B / C / D / E:
Most shields deal Strike damage, with a few exceptions. |
Counter Strength: | Damage multiplier when hitting an enemy that is performing an action such as attacking. Value of 100 means no extra damage. |
Poise Damage: | The ability of the shield to break the poise of an enemy. |
Durability: | The durability of the shield. The shield will break when durability reaches 0. |
Weight: | The weight of the shield. Note that carrying over 70% of your Equip Weight will reduce the speed of your rolls, while going over 100% will reduce your regular speed to walking and attempts to roll or backstep will leave you momentarily stunned. |
Stats Needed: |
Determines how high various Stats must be in order to wield the shield effectively.
While it is possible to use a shield with lower-than-required Strength, your character will suffer a severe penalty to damage reduction. |
Aux Effect: |
The Aux Effect stat dictates how effective the shield will be at causing the effect. The Aux Effect stats for a shield are A / B:
Aux Effect Reduction: |
The Aux Effect Reduction % of the shield. It dictates how much effect the shield mitigates while blocking.
Damage Reduction: |
The Damage Reduction % of the shield. It dictates how much damage the shield mitigates while blocking.
Stability: | Determines the amount of stamina expended to block an incoming attack. A higher stability also allows you to block stronger attacks without breaking guard and reduces the amount of stamina depleted from blocking attacks. |