Simpleton's Ring

Simpleton's Ring

In-Game Description

Ring depicting a simpleton's flower.
Wearer becomes invisible while rolling,

This ring was worn by the soldiers of
the Old Iron King, said to be blessed
with divine protection.

This ring only does one thing, but with
ingenuity it can be fearsomely effective.


Brume Tower treasure.

At the Foyer bonfire, take the bucket-shaped elevator up to its very top. Skip the first elevator immediately in front of you and walk left all the way around the platform to to reach another elevator. Take this elevator up, but step into a small passage in the wall before it reaches the top. You will enter a room with two Possessed Armor. Open the shortcut door to the Upper Floor bonfire, then take the other door outside. The ring will be on a corpse to your right.

General Information

Name Use Durability Weight
Simpleton's Ring Makes wearer invisible while rolling. 120 1.5


  • Increases Adaptability by 5 when worn.
  • Very useful for highlighting your iFrames when rolling.
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