Seed of a Tree of Giants
Seed of a Tree of Giants

In-Game Description

A lump of something, obtainable from a Giant-tree.
Makes enemies react to invaders.

When the giants fell, they grew into great trees.
Death is not the end, for anything that has ever
once lived remains a part of a great cycle of

But what of those outside of the cycle?


Consumable item that causes all enemies in the area to attack invaders for a limited time (60 minutes).


  • Starting gift choice.
  • Harvested from the resting giant in the room next to the Soldier's Rest bonfire, in Forest of Fallen Giants.
    Has roughly a 25% chance of spawning every time the player is invaded by a Red Phantom: both real players and NPCs.1


Invading NPC phantoms trigger the chance for a seed to spawn. This creates a farming opportunity that is much faster than waiting for random online invasions.

Scholar only: Extremely easy way to farm is to bonfire ascetic soldiers rest and run straight from the bonfire into the tree room. Armorer Dennis will spawn and you will see if you got a seed or not. If you did grab it and jump off the edge, if you didn't jump off the edge again. He will infinitely respawn and you will see if you get a seed each time.

Armorer Dennis in Forest of the Fallen Giants (Scholar only)

This is the fastest method to farm seeds, but can only be done in Scholar of the First Sin, and requires you to die each time, but the entire process can be done in under 30 seconds (Depending on your load times), which includes the time to check and loot a seed, making it the fastest possible way to farm seeds.

  1. Keep Armorer Dennis in Forest of Fallen Giants alive by not defeating him.
  2. From the Soldiers' Rest bonfire, head outside and towards the seed's spawn point.
  3. Armorer Dennis will invade as you leave the bonfire room, spawning in the seed's room.
  4. The seed will either spawn or not, either way loot if needed, then die (Fastest way is to run back outside and fall into a pit.
  5. Respawn back at the Soldiers' Rest bonfire.
  6. Repeat.

Armorer Dennis/Fencer Sharron in Iron Keep (Scholar only)

This method requires Scholar of the First Sin, and to die.

  1. Keep Armorer Dennis and/or Fencer Sharron alive in Iron Keep by not defeating them.
  2. From the first bonfire, cross the bridge, and into the keep to spawn the invasion.
  3. Die.
  4. Repeat a few times, then head to the Soldiers' Rest bonfire in Forest of Fallen Giants to check for the seed.

Rockshield Baldyr in Shulva, Sanctum City

This method requires you to die.

  1. Keep Rockshield Baldyr in Shulva, Sanctum City alive by not defeating him
  2. From the Priestess' Chamber bonfire, run across the thin walkway to spawn the invasion.
  3. Die.
  4. Repeat a few times, then head to the Soldiers' Rest bonfire in Forest of Fallen Giants to check for the seed.

Aslatiel of Mirrah in Aldia's Keep

This method does not require you to die.

  1. Keep Aslatiel of Mirrah in Aldia's Keep alive by not defeating him.
  2. From the Foregarden bonfire outside the keep, run into the keep's first hallway to spawn the invasion.
  3. For DS2 - Run passed him into the main hall, and up the staircase, to cause Aslatiel to despawn. For SotFS - Run passed him into the main hall, and all the way up to the giant basilisk at the top, then head into the dragon switch room to cause Aslatiel to despawn.
  4. Warp or run back to the Foregarden bonfire.
  5. Repeat a few times, then head to the Soldiers' Rest bonfire in Forest of Fallen Giants to check for the seed.


  • Once the seed is spawned on the resting giant, it must be collected in order to allow more to spawn afterwards. Be sure to check back periodically after every several invasions, otherwise you may miss the opportunity to collect more seeds that would have spawned if the previous seed was already taken.
  • If there is an invader in your world when the 60 minutes is up and the aura on you disappears the enemies seem to continue attacking the invader until the invader is dead or leaves your world.
  • Seeds do not fall from red sign invasions.
  • For invasions, you do not have to win(i.e., beat the invader) to get the seed to appear. Just the completion of the invasion is sufficient (win or lose).
  • Can be used in all invasion types (red, blue, dragon, bell), EXCEPT Rat King invasions (as you are in their world, not your own).
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