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In-Game Description
Stone activating a creation of
Pharros the Vagabond.
Pharros the Vagabond was a legend who
wandered the lands, creating contraptions
to help those in sincere and dire need.
The scope of his travels was so wide that
Pharros has been mistakenly credited with
many inventions that were crafted by others.
Activates Pharros' contraptions throughout the world. There are 15 in total, excluding the many in Grave of Saints and Doors of Pharros.
- Forest of Fallen Giants: In the room under the ballistae; reveals an illusory wall hiding two chests containing a Titanite Slab and a Chloranthy Ring.
- No-man's Wharf: Across from the house halfway up the first stairs and to the right. Lights the large lanterns throughout the area (does not light sconces, those must still be lit manually with a torch). This has the beneficial effect of terrifying many Dark Stalkers that are outside of buildings, making them nearly harmless.
- Two in The Lost Bastille:
- Down the ladder in the room with the Servant's Quarters bonfire; reveals an illusory wall hiding the path to Belfry Luna.
- In the building after the courtyard with the three Rupturing Hollows which rise from a well; reveals a illusory wall, hiding a chest with a Soul Vessel
- Two in Earthen Peak:
- From the lower entrance, in a room with several Poison Horn Beetles to the right in the hallway with an Estus Flask Shard on a corpse; reveals an illusory wall hiding a chest with a Poisonbite Ring.
- Just past the boss room entrance area, up some stairs and to the right (alternative directly downstairs from the hidden Upper Earthen Peak bonfire), again in a room with several Poison Horn Beetles but also poison-filled vessels; produces a pool of poison. It becomes healing water which also cures poison after the windmill is burnt.
- Three in Iron Keep:
- Behind the Alonne Knight Captain archer on the right of the open area before the Smelter Demon; produces a pool of healing water which also raises fire defence temporarily.
- In a tiny room through a door immediately to the left after the bridge with two Ironclad Soldiers; reveals an illusory wall hiding the path to Belfry Sol.
- In the same open area as the second but up the stairs and two ladders into another small room; identical function to the first.
- Shrine of Amana: On the ground underwater near the wall to the left of the first Amana Shrine Maiden after the Crumbled Ruins bonfire; reveals an illusory wall hiding a chest with a Helix Halberd.
- Undead Crypt: Behind an illusory wall on the left from the exit in the room you fall into from above; reveals an illusory wall on the opposite side of the room hiding a chest with an Olenford's Staff and a Great Lightning Spear scroll.
- Aldia's Keep: On the right wall immediately at the start of the long hallway after the Giant Basilisk; lights up the hallway.
- Dragon Shrine: On the floor under the stairs with some boxes, behind the first Drakekeeper; reveals an illusory wall hiding a chest with the Judgment Set and Staff of Wisdom.
- Two in Memory of Orro:
- In the first room upstairs from the start; reveals an illusory wall hiding a chest with Soul of a Hero ×3.
- In the room revealed by the first; activates a trap which shoots spinning blades along the wall. *There is an illusory wall to the right hiding two chests with the Steel Set and a Fire Seed which doesn't require activating this contraption.
- Frozen Eleum Loyce: At the end of the rampart with ballistas and invisible knights. Contains a chest with Durgo's Hat (headpiece for archers)
- Frigid Outskirts: In the second set of ruins. Creates a pool of healing water. Can be useful for healing the two NPC phantoms and/or preserving healing items for the boss fight, but does not heal fast enough to be much use for fighting the two dangerous soldiers or the Frozen Reindeer
Rat King covenant contraptions
The Pharros' contraptions in Grave of Saints and Doors of Pharros are mainly used to activate traps as part of the Rat King covenant, but some also contain treasure.
- 8 in Grave of Saints, only one of which is necessary to collect all treasure. Note that both bridges must be lowered to complete the detour.
- Lower level, left to right:
- Douses the torches on this level.
- Lowers a bridge leading to a detour to the upper level. The detour contains 2 Poison Moss on a skeleton and a Whisper of Despair and a Torch on a skeleton.
- Activates a waterfall before the ladder entrance. Can be used to conceal the host player as well as the rats in the wall next to it.
- Upper level, right to left:
- Activates the statue that pours acid which damages players' equipment.
- Lowers a bridge completing the detour.
- Three which activate statues that pour acid.
- Lower level, left to right:
- 22 in Doors of Pharros, only four of which are necessary to collect all treasure, as only the middle section of the large doors must be opened for the player to fit.
- Ground level large room, clockwise from entrance:
- Opens a door revealing a Gyrm Warrior.
- Opens a door revealing a Gyrm Warrior.
- Opens a door revealing a Dog Rat
- Three which open a large door revealing an Undead Primal Knight and a chest containing a Santier's Spear.
- Small room, clockwise from entrance:
- Opens a door revealing a Gyrm Warrior.
- Opens a door revealing a Gyrm Warrior.
- Upper level small room, counter-clockwise from the ladder:
- Opens a door on the lower level revealing a chest containing a Faintstone and a Twinkling Titanite and a path leading to the upper level.
- Opens a door revealing an axe-throwing statue. The axes are thrown across the front of the chest, hitting anybody who tries to open it.
- Opens a door revealing nothing.
- Large room, after the first narrow bridge:
- Activates a trap that shoots spinning blades across the length of the previous narrow bridge.
- Activates an axe-throwing statue that throws axes onto the first floor. They impact around the small island with the torch on it.
- After the second narrow bridge:
- Activates an axe-throwing statue that throws axes along the previous narrow bridge.
- Opens a door revealing a chamber with a Gyrm and a chest containing 30 Magic Arrows.
- Activates an axe-throwing statue that throws axes onto the first floor. They impact roughly in the middle of the room.
- Opens a door revealing a passage bypassing the next narrow bridge.
- After the third narrow bridge:
- Activates a trap that shoots spinning blades across the length of the previous narrow bridge.
- Activates an axe-throwing statue that throws axes in the direction of the previous narrow bridge, but which will not reach it. It appears to be intended to catch people who attempt to sprint across the bridge to avoid the spinning blades, or who are trying to get to the exit quickly and carelessly.
- Three which open a large door revealing a Undead Primal Knight and a Soul of a Brave Warrior on a skull.
- Activates an axe-throwing statue that throws axes onto the first floor. They impact on the island directly in front of the Undead Primal Knight.
- After the fourth narrow bridge:
- Slides out a section of wall past the bonfire, forcing the players to take the long way around.
- Ground level large room, clockwise from entrance:
Where to Buy
Merchant Sold By | Price | Stock |
Merchant Hag Melentia | 4,000 souls | 1 |
- You start with one if you choose the Explorer class.
Chest and Corpse Locations
- The Pit: on a corpse on the second platform down. Requires about 920 HP and the Silvercat Ring.
- Majula: on a corpse in the library in the mansion. Requires the House Key from Cale the Cartographer in Forest of Fallen Giants.
- Sinner's Rise: on a corpse in the last cell on the left, along with a Soul of a Proud Knight.
- Huntsman's Copse: on the large pillar below the bridge. Either drop down from the bridge or jump and plunging attack from above the Bridge Approach bonfire.
- Earthen Peak: on a corpse down the ladder purchasable from Laddersmith Gilligan for 2,000 souls before he moves. The corpse also holds a Twinkling Titanite.
- Earthen Peak: in a trapped chest upstairs from Mild-Mannered Pate.
- Iron Keep: on a corpse up the stairs near Magerold of Lanafir.
- Shaded Woods: shortly before the second bonfire, on a corpse near two rock-throwing Goblins.
- Shaded Woods: past the Shaded Ruins bonfire, at the base of the tree on the hill behind the Giant Basilisk.
- Shaded Woods: on a corpse on the way to Manscorpion Tark, behind some breakable wooden barrels. The corpse also holds a Soul of a Brave Warrior.
- Doors of Pharros: on the second floor of the side room, on a corpse at the top of the last stairs, along with a Soul of a Nameless Soldier.
- Brightstone Cove Tseldora: inside a jar in Weaponsmith Ornifex's room.
- Brightstone Cove Tseldora: on a corpse in a jar in the spider web room.
- Grave of Saints: on a corpse accessible by dropping down the hole with the skeleton after the boss fight.
- Black Gulch: on a corpse in a jar next to the hidden Hidden Chamber bonfire.
- Drangleic Castle: on a corpse behind the middle soul door on the left in the area just after the King's Gate bonfire.
- Aldia's Keep: behind a breakable bookshelf in the room on the left of the hallway which leads to the hidden Ritual Site bonfire and acid filled cell.
- Dragon Aerie: on a corpse near the second and third Guardian Dragons acessible by dropping down.
Enemy Drops
- Dropped by The Rotten's left arm if it's cut off. (guaranteed)
- Dropped by Dog Rats, including those in the Royal Rat Authority boss fight. (uncommon)
Other Sources
- Killing a player summoned to your world as a Gray Phantom as part of the Rat King Covenant.
- Killing the Rat King Covenant host when summoned as a Gray Phantom.
- Reaching the fog gate of the bonfire before the Royal Rat Vanguard or the Royal Rat Authority boss fights when summoned as a Gray Phantom.