Petrifying Statue Cluster

Petrifying Statue Cluster


A lizard with a set of statues on its back that shoot petrifying darts at nearby players.


Cave of the Dead
In the lower cave on the way to the Afflicted Graverobber, Ancient Soldier Varg & Cerah the Old Explorer boss fight.

Bonfire Intensity Health Souls
1 400 650
2 470 1,300
8 900 2,600



  • The statues themselves are indestructible, but the underlying creature can be damaged with a 'striking' type weapons, arrows, and spells or items with splash damage (such as Firebombs).
    • With the right positioning, whips are easily able to hit the creatures.
    • It seems to be easier to land a hit when striking their legs or behind from an angle.


  • High Lightning Resistance
  • Medium Magic Resistance
  • Average Fire and Dark Resistance
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