In-Game Description
A hex modified from an old sorcery by
Gilleah, the father of Hexing.
Fires a heavy orb of darkness.
To use hexes, equip a sacred chime or staff,
and attune a hex at a bonfire.
Required equipment depends on hex.
A similar spell to Soul Arrow, casting Dark Orb fires a heavy orb of darkness towards an enemy.
The orb itself moves slower than Soul Arrows and doesn't travel as far, but it does about the same amount of damage and the size of it does mean that it has significantly larger impact point.
Dark Orb does partial physical damage, and also reduces more stamina of those hit compared to other projectile spells.
- Sold by Straid of Olaphis for 600 souls.
- Sold by Felkin the Outcast for 600 souls.
- Sold by Darkdiver Grandahl for 600 souls.
Spell Type | Uses | Duration | Attunement Slots | Intelligence Required | Faith Required | Catalyst Required |
Ranged/Dark | 20-30 | N/A | 1 | 12 | 10 | Staff |
Cast Increases with Attunement
Attunement | Uses |
10 | 20 |
15 | 21 |
26 | 22 |
32 | 23 |
38 | 24 |
43 | 25 |
49 | 26 |
58 | 27 |
79 | 28 |
94 | 30 |
- Using 5-6 Dark Orbs on a Mounted Overseer may cause them to levitate into the air briefly and spin around before floating back to the ground, as shown in this video. It is unknown if this affects other enemies.