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In-Game Description
Online play item.
Invade other worlds.
Defeat the master of the world you have
invaded to acquire a Token of Spite.
The residual sins of those who have
succumbed to dark temptations are
contained in the form of the Cracked
Red Eye Orb.
Invade the world of another player as a Red Phantom. You must be human to use this item.
If you defeat the host, you will receive a Token of Spite and some souls.
- Five sold by Titchy Gren on NG only for 5,000 souls each and infinite on NG+ and above for 10,000 souls each.
- One can be found on a corpse in the tutorial section of Things Betwixt behind a closed door.
- Three can be found on a corpse on the roof of the building with three Old Ironclad Soldiers in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
- Two can be found on a corpse in the Flame Salamander pit in Forest of Fallen Giants.
- One can be found on a corpse above the second bonfire of Huntsman's Copse.
- Two can be found on a corpse near Titchy Gren. The corpse is on a ledge above the stairs leading from the Undead Purgatory boss fight.
- One can be found on a corpse after dropping down from above in the circular room in Iron Keep.
- Five can be found on a corpse next to the first Poison Statue Cluster encounter in Shulva, Sanctum City.
- Three can be found on a corpse on a ledge in the Iron Passage. Requires going through both cell gauntlets.
- Dropped by Enslaved Pigs in Majula.
- Dropped by Flame Salamanders in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
- Dropped by Torturers in Huntsman's Copse.
- (Scholar of the First Sin): 3 dropped by the Enslaved Boar in Majula - spawned by killing the piglets, then pigs until their spawns run out
- Can sometimes be received when trading either Small Smooth & Silky Stones or Smooth & Silky Stones with Dyna and Tillo in Things Betwixt.
- Reward for winning a duel in the Brotherhood of Blood arena.
- Matchmaking is determined by Soul Memory and the item used. See Online Matchmaking for more details.
- See Bonfire Ascetic's 'Most Reliable Source' section for farming.
- The three found in Forest of Fallen Giants can be farmed with Bonfire Ascetics due to the Soldier's Rest bonfire not requiring you to fight any boss.
- The five found in Shulva, Sanctum City can be farmed with Bonfire Ascetics due to the Sanctum Walk bonfire not requiring you to fight any boss.