The upgraded mace and Great Lightning Spear miracle give it enough of an offense to hold its own should trouble arise, but it is best played with coordinated co-op. Combines varied mix of restorative and healing spells, offensive capabilities (Soul Appease meant to simulate the traditional effects of Holy/Banish), and powerful buffs.
Starting Class | Cleric |
Level | 130 |
Vigor | 20 |
Endurance | 15 |
Vitality | 8 |
Attunement | 60 |
Strength | 12 |
Dexterity | 5 |
Adaptability | 10 |
Intelligence | 4 |
Faith | 49 (55 with gear) |
RH: +10 Lightning Mace (4.0 wt)
LH: +5 Idol's Chime/+5 Dragon Chime (0.5 wt/1.0 wt)
Priestess Set (if Female) (+1 FTH from Headpiece, 6.8 wt)/White Priest Set (if Male) (+1 FTH from Headpiece, 8.2 wt)
Rings: Ring of Prayer (+5 FTH, 0.5 wt), Sun Seal (Increases Strength of Miracles by 5%, 0.2 wt), +2 Southern Ritual Band (+3 Attunement Slots, 1.5 wt), +2 Clear Bluestone Ring (Shortens Casting Time by 55%, 0.8 wt).
Great Heal x2 (10 casts, 2 ATT)
Soothing Sunlight (4 casts, 2 ATT)
Great Lightning Spear (12 casts, 1 ATT)
Sunlight Spear (5 casts, 2 ATT)
Soul Appease (6 casts, 1 ATT)
Sacred Oath (5 casts, 4 ATT)
Stock up on as many Herbs as you can, as well as Token of Fidelity (which can be gained from successful co-ops using the regular White Sign Soapstone while apart of any covenant except Heirs of the Sun, as well as if you are not apart of any covenant).