True Pyromancy


A great pyromancer, from unknown lands. He/she has high damage potential, and uses powerful pyromancy to bake his/her foes.


Starting Class Deprived
Level 150
Vigor 23
Endurance 20
Vitality 20
Attunement 20
Strength 35
Dexterity 25
Adaptability 20
Intelligence 19
Faith 19


Dual wield the 'Red Rust Scimitar and the 'Red Rust Sword.'


Head: Hollow Soldier Helm +10
Body: Vengarl's Armor +5
Hands: Penal Handcuffs +5
Feet: Vengarl's Boots +5

I'd reccomend having a shield as an off-hand just in case.
Shield: Red Rust Shield

Obviously you need a pyromancy flame…
Spell cast: Pyromancy flame +10


Great Fireball, Fire Tempest, Flame Weapon, and either Flame Swathe or Great combustion



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