Optimize killing ability by combining the power of magic, hexes, and pyromancies.
Starting Class | Sorcerer |
Level | 83 |
Vigor | 10 |
Endurance | 6 |
Vitality | 6 |
Attunement | 30 |
Strength | 10 |
Dexterity | 10 |
Adaptability | 6 |
Intelligence | 40 |
Faith | 20 |
Fire Sword, Lightning Sword, Something light, Pyromancy glove, Chime, Sorcerers Staff
Hexers Armor, Black Mage Armor
Soul Spear, Flame Swathe, Dark Hail, Affinity (Decrease 3 using Skeptics Spice), Dark Storm, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Soul Great sword, Dead Again
Keep your sword in your right hand and your Chime, Glove, or Staff in your left. Learn to dodge. 20 is usually a good cap for Faith, since many good Hexes only require around that amount. Stopping at 50-60 INT and using Spices to get down other spells would be a good idea. A few miracles are also good, like Homeward for farming or Healing miracles.