Butterfly King




Starting Class Bandit
Level 150
Vigor 45
Endurance 30
Vitality 15
Attunement 20
Strength 10
Dexterity 40
Adaptability 34
Intelligence 1
Faith 8


Right Hand 1: Black Scorpion Stinger +5
Right Hand 2: Mytha's Bent Blade +5

Left Hand 1: Moon Butterfly Shield
Left Hand 2: Poison Spotted Whip +5


Moon Butterfly Hat +5
Moon Butterfly Wings +5
Moon Butterfly Cuffs +5
Moon Butterfly Skirt +5

Ring 1: Southern Ritual Band +2
Ring 2: Chloranthy Ring +2
Ring 3: Crest of the Rat
Ring 4:


Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist Poison Mist



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