Captive Undead
Captive Undead


The Undead hunts during the reign of the Iron King took place in this forest, and the cells in which the Undead were held still stand there to this day.
However, the march of time has eroded any difference between the captors and the captives.

Green skinned hollows that wield either a Torch or a Sword. Very similar to the Undead Prisoner.

Bonfire Intensity HP Souls
1 220 60
2 450 100
8 850 200
  • Sometimes the unarmed ones in the Gutter puke, this can extinguish your Torch.
  • In sotfs there are 2 unarmed ones in Huntsman's Copse that are not aggressive, and will run around quickly


Huntsman's Copse
Found throughout the map.

The Gutter
Found throughout the map.



Weakness Effectiveness
Strike ?
Thrust ?
Slash ?
Projectile 100%


Resistance Reduction
Fire 30%
Magic 10%
Lightning 30%
Dark 30%
Poison Susceptible
Bleed Susceptible


Attack Description
Move Description
Move Description
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