Blinding Bolt


In-Game Description

A miracle that creates a giant soul mass
and transforms it into a lightning-spouting orb of light.

Crafted in ancient times by the God of Sun,
but later forbidden by the same deity. Was it
to protect the world from hatred, or sorrow?


Releases an orb of energy which travels for a short distance, then remains stationary while firing 15 Lightning Spears in random directions.

If the orb collides with a wall, the spell will dissipate. If the orb collides with an enemy, it will deal the damage of approximately one spear.


Trade the Old King Soul and 10,000 souls to Straid of Olaphis.


Spell Type Uses Faith Duration Attunement Slots
AoE/Lightning 4-8 65 3sec 1

Cast Increases with Attunement

Attunement Uses
10 4
32 5
43 6
58 7
94 8


  • This is the spell with the highest Faith requirement in the game.
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